Das Radio der documenta 14

    SAVVY Funk - Programm vom 7. Juli

    07. Juli
    Ausgestrahlt wird "SAVVY Funk" auf UKW 103.0 in Berlin, UKW 90.4 in Kassel und als Livestream. © Deutschlandradio
    Live aus dem SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin: Künstler_innen machen Radio.
    07:00 - Early Birds
    Studierende der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
    Self-experiment, recorded and survived by Grit Lieder
    By the start of July everybird has found a partner. Well, nearly everyone. But today is my last day with them. I became an Early Bird – for one month. While SAVVY Funk was broadcasting, I walked every morning, wherever I was, whatever I did the night before, between 7 and 8 am, slowly and focused, hardly 30 steps per Minute. Here is what happened.
    08:00 - Prayer
    James Webb

    08:15 - Render: Radiaphiles
    Mobile Radio (Knut Aufermann & Sarah Washington)
    09:00 - SAVVY reads SAVVY docs
    Savvy and Friends

    09:30 - Laugh of the Hyposubject
    Brandon LaBelle & Anna Bromley
    The lost
    The given
    The feverish
    To which
    The pirate assemblage
    For the missing
    The never arriving
    Without form
    The nameless
    10:00 - Yo y mi circunstancia
    Tito Valery

    11:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann
    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann
    11:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    the weather brunch

    11:10 - YNK
    Silvia Ploner & Nicolas Perret
    Sonic Fabulation | Non a l‘ours, non a la bourse, non a la course by Olivier Lapert)
    11:40 - Multiverse Crosstalk Radio
    Alberto de Campo, Hannes Hoelzl & Magda Kobzova

    Live Session - NextPowerOfTwo and guests

    12:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    12:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    how wet are you today?

    12:10 - Piratensender
    Ahmet Öğüt
    Editorial Assistant: Johann Mittmann
    Collaborators collaborating
    13:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussman

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    13:05 - Weather Report s
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    siesta time

    13:10 - Regular Measures
    Alessandro Bosetti
    14:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    14:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    the weather soap

    14:10 - Render: live
    Knut Aufermann & Sarah Washington
    15:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    15:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    not my kinda climate

    15:10 - different time different place different pitch
    Dani Gal und Achim Lengerer
    The Heavy Listener
    Life between improvised music and Palestinian human rights.
    With Eyal Hareuveni.
    Live improvisation by Michael Thieke and Dani Gal
    16:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    16:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    how to listen to the sky

    16:10 - Embrace
    Nástio Mosquito

    16:30 - Intermission Transmission Temporal
    Leo Asemota

    17:00 - Singing Yesterday's News Again
    Natascha Sadr Haghighian & Nicholas Bussmann

    News singer: Cottbusser Chor sings "The News Trilogy" by Nicholas Bussmann

    17:05 - Weather Reports
    The All Weather Experts: Gívan Belá, Golo Föllmer, Anne Wellmer, Markus Westphal, Jasmina Al-Qaisi and others
    the weather song

    17:10 - Me & My Rhythm Box
    Felix Kubin
    Lucrecia Dalt – internal and external sampling, the artist as an accumulation of bacteria

    18:00 - Saout Africa(s)
    Saout Radio (Anna Raimondo & Younes Baba-Ali)#
    19:00 - SAVVY Funk FINALE
    19:00 - Cevdet Erek | Flow 1 - Davul improvisation
    19:30 - Nástio Mosquito | Performance
    20:00 - Nicholas Bussmann | The News Trilogy
    21:00 - Satch Hoyt | Unpacking Sonic Migrations
    22:30 - AGF (Antye Greie) | Listening To The Other
    23:30 - Cevdet Erek | Flow 2 - Davul improvisation
    00:00 - Finest Tunes by the SAVVY Funk artists & team
    01:00 - documenta 14 Relay

    03:00 - Revolutionary Radio Remix
    Revolutionary Radio Remix: Twenty +/- years of radio experimentation. From the pirate radio and DIY shifts to the internet in the early 90's, to the netzkultur moves to streaming, and back to localized DIY experiments with terrestrial and digital broadcasting, reboot's revolutionary radio remix digs through its own archives for an acoustic journey through time and space. This live narrated audio excavation will focus on highlights of the last 20 +/- years of rebooting radio.
    The remix weaves in and out of different archival material to tell a story out of time and place: featuring audio fragments from and with: 2/5bz, Neville Alexander, Jahman Anikalupo, Imran Ayata, Franco "bifo" Berardi, Garnett Cadogan, Chicks on Speed, Erik Davis, Kodwo Eshun, Mara Goldwyn, Grada Kilomba, Tetsuo Kogawa, Kotti-Shop, Sara Lehn, Janos Sugar, Wetterfrosch, Keith & Mende Obadike, DJ Officer Officer, Orient Taxi, Stereo Total, The Toten Crackhuren im Kofferraum, The Young Communists, Wearebornfree! Empowerment radio and more.
    remixed by reboot.fm founding editors and radio practitioners Diana McCarty & Pit Schultz.

    Several times a day, randomly, a specific SAVVY Funk selection of the ultrashort radio art format "Wurfsendung” of Deutschlandfunk Kultur is broadcast.

    SAVVY Funk

    "SAVVY Funk" von documenta 14 und Deutschlandfunk Kultur ist Teil des Radioprogramms "Every Time A Ear Di Soun". Es umfasst unter anderem 32 Auftragswerke, die seit dem 8. April durch acht internationale Radiosender zirkulieren. Die deutsche Station "SAVVY Funk" ist ein dreiwöchiges Radioprogramm, das täglich und rund um die Uhr neu von Künstler_innen gestaltet wird, deren Arbeit im Ausstellungsraum des SAVVY Contemporary öffentlich zugänglich ist.
    Die teilnehmenden Künstler_innen arbeiten bei der Entwicklung und Durchführung des Radioprogramms mit Student_innen der Professur für Experimentelles Radio an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar zusammen.
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