Miho Iwata

Iwata studierte Architektur in Kioto und polnische Philologie in Krakau. Sie begann ihre künstlerische Laufbahn 1994 mit der Performance "Legs of Pigeon" in der Krakauer Krzysztofory-Gallerie. Es folgten ihre szenischen Arbeiten "Granat", "The moon and fish neck" und "Utsusemi".
Seit 2002 tritt sie auch mit improvisierenden Musiker auf - unter anderem mit den Gruppen Improviser's Ensemble, /presence name und Improvising Artists. Im selben Jahr begann sie in der Gallerie Otwarta Pracownia die Performance-Serie "Thousands of Dreams", die ohne technische Mittel wie Scheinwerfer oder Tonzuspielungen auskommt. 2005 begann ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Tetsuo Furudate.

Born in Ichinomiya-shi, Japan 1962 ; study of architecture in Kyoto

Prefectural University; study of polish philology in Jagiellonian University; living in Krakow since 1986.

She started her artistic activity with the performance titled "Legs of pigeon" in Krzysztofory gallery in Krakow in 1994. Later she presented her scenic works "Granat", "The moon and fish neck", "Utsusemi" etc. Her performance works were shown many times individually and in the occasions of festivals in many towns in Poland and abroad. All her works are prepared by herself from choreograph to scenography.

Since 2002 she has presented the improvisation works with musicians as Improviser's Ensemble /presence name; Improvising Artists [i.a]. She also continues her improvisation solo work titled "Thousands of Dream" started in gallery Otwarta Pracownia in Krakow in 2002. "Thousands of Dream" is a series without additional theatrical effects such as lighting or sounds works, just using the original scene and atmosphere of space for her action.

She also makes performance works for exhibition; with Marek Chlanda's sculptures, with living cooks and ducks in the installation of group Rdzen in Zacheta Gallery in Warsaw, with Pirko Schroder's video installation, Thomas May's installation with grass. She has performed for Katarzyna Kifert's animation film "Sea Swallow Me". Her works are presented in many important artistic places and festivals such as Ujazdowski Castle Contemporary Art Centre, Zacheta Gallery/Warsaw, Krzysztofory Gallery, Bunkier Sztuki Cracow Contemporary Art Gallery, Otwarta Pracownia, Solvay Contemporary Art Centre/Krakow, BWA Gallery in Lublin, Manhattan Gallery in Lodz itd.

Iwata is a member of the artists group "Otwarta Pracownia" and Improvising Artists